Now accepting nominations: 2022 Silver Medal Award
The American Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award Program was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence, and responsibility in areas of social concern. Annually, AAF federations bestow this single honoree upon outstanding community leaders.
The Silver Medal Award Program is, for many clubs, the highlight of their year. It generally triggers much local public relations for the club, while at the same time enhancing the image of advertising by highlighting a locally well-known person for their advertising and community involvement.
The Silver Medal winners from the various federations are recognized and honored in a ceremony at the AAF’s National Advertising Conference held annually in June.
Silver Medal nominees need not be members of the Advertising Federation. Nominations can be made by employees, co-workers or acquaintances. Nominations may feel free to discuss the nomination with the nominee, and may find such discussion necessary in order to satisfactorily complete the nomination form. Separate sheets may be used.
Deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on May 16, 2022.
Contributions to his/her COMPANY – The winner must have achieved success in one of the following areas of work: advertising agency, advertiser, media or advertising services company.
Contributions to the general advancement of ADVERTISING – Award winners should have worked to increase the stature and raise the standards of the advertising profession.
Contributions to the COMMUNITY – The recipient should be a man or woman who has been active in civic, religious or other groups dedicated to some phase of human or social welfare.
CREATIVE ABILITY – The winner should have shown a consistent, high degree of creative, original thinking in whatever phase of advertising he/she has worked.